## Notes > *a brief record of facts, topics, or thoughts, written down as an aid to memory.* %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview LIST from "Home/Notes" ``` %% - [[Home/Notes/Why I Move My Website to Obsidian.md|Why I Move My Website to Obsidian]] - [[Home/Notes/Composition over configuration.md|Composition over configuration]] - [[Home/Notes/Frontend, my career and the path ahead.md|Frontend, my career and the path ahead]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %% ## Writings >_the activity or occupation of [composing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=118346d2450869ab&rlz=1C5CHFA_enID991ID992&sxsrf=ADLYWILjlq1rK-LPBkOBZL3UaB717MebYA:1722703005377&q=composing&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJcLpZR3ZJjHp6EPgAyMzX51A9PucieLDV8w8CxtpGjpxnmbC8uOJ0xkwBvTKmAi-gvfqsaSo-8F0D2x75lGS_eiWnlIA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwlsHloNmHAxX83jgGHVAbOoYQyecJegQIMRAv&biw=1920&bih=968&dpr=1) text for publication._ %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview LIST FROM "Home/Writings" ``` %% - [[Home/Writings/Simplify Your Tailwind Css Workflow With Tailwind Fun.md|Simplify Your Tailwind Css Workflow With Tailwind Fun]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end%% ## Snippets > _a small and often interesting piece of news, information, or conversation_ %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: start ```dataview LIST FROM "Home/Snippets" ``` %% - [[Home/Snippets/Typescript/Path Helpers.md|Path Helpers]] - [[Home/Snippets/git/Git squash to last N commits.md|Git squash to last N commits]] - [[Home/Snippets/macos/how to disable default keypress hold.md|how to disable default keypress hold]] - [[Home/Snippets/macos/how to get bundle id of an app in mac os.md|how to get bundle id of an app in mac os]] %% DATAVIEW_PUBLISHER: end %%